• 高菜と豚肉のなきみそビビンバ <br><small>Bibimbap w/Takana and Pork miso dressed</small>
  • 高菜と豚肉のなきみそビビンバ <br><small>Bibimbap w/Takana and Pork miso dressed</small>
  • 高菜と豚肉のなきみそビビンバ 
    Bibimbap w/Takana and Pork miso dressed



    高知県で製造されたコク深い味わいの味噌だれ。 ​

    この「なきみそ」を使用し、韓国料理のビビンバを、nana’s ​green ​teaで楽しむお食事メニューにアレンジしました。 ​

    「なきみそ」で味付けしたたっぷりのお肉を中心に、小松菜ともやしのナムル、キムチ、高菜漬けのピリ辛な味わいがごはんを彩ります。 ​

    ごはんと具材を豪快に混ぜるのがビビンバの食べ方。 ​

    混ぜ合わせることで、コクのある「なきみそ」の味わいや、香り高いごま油、まろやかな温泉卵、唐辛子が食材と混ざり合い、風味の良さが一層際立ちます。 ​

    一皿で大満足な、nana’s ​green ​teaの和風ビビンバです。 ​


    販売期間:2024年5月1日 ~ 6月26日 ※なくなり次第終了

    Allergy Information
    • Wheat
    • Shrimp
    • Milk
    • Egg
    • Pork
    • Soybean
    • Sesame
    • Abalone
    • Mackerel
    • Gelatin
    • Chicken
    ・The numerical value of the calorie is calculated based on the analytical value or Standard tables of food composition in Japan of an inspection body.Please understand that it may varies depends on the goods/ items availability on every store.
    ・Please understand that information differs when there is change of sugar,milk,etc or customer use topping.
    ・There are individual differences in sensitivity to allergens.So please refer on the display date and finally judge after consulting with a special doctor.
    ・Also with the goods/ items which indicate allergy "none", it may adhere and mix at a manufacturing process of each store.Please understand the situation.
    ・Assortment may vary by location.Please understand the situation.
    ・There are also goods/ items which are not published in this table.
    *If there is any inquiries about the goods/ items that is not published.please contact the staff of each store or contact us.

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